Notifyr 5.1 release notes

Notifyr 5.1 release notes

Release date: 22 Jun 2020

In Notifyr - Notifications for Bitbucket 5.1 I'm introducing project-level settings for custom notification subjects.

What's new

Project-level settings

I'm happy to announce that it's now possible to customize your notifications subjects on a project-level! 

Bitbucket administrators with many repositories to maintain requested the possibility to change the subject of notifications on a project-level.
This saves tedious work and is less error prune then going by every repository one-by-one.

On the project configuration page it is now possible to

  • Set a global subject for the project and underlying repositories
  • Reset all underlying repositories, so they fall back to the project subject
  • Reset the project subject to use the globally configured subject.


This section will contain information about the Notifyr - Notifications for Bitbucket 5.1.x minor releases as they become available.

Notifyr can't succeed without your feedback, insight, and recommendations for improvement. Please keep sending your feedback. Thanks so much!